Other state suicide prevention initiatives
ISPC: The Indiana Suicide Prevention Coalition
The Indiana Suicide Prevention Coalition’s mission is to coordinate, facilitate, advise and provide resources to Indiana communities for activities that reduce:
- deaths due to suicide
- occurrence of suicidal behaviors
- effects of suicide on Indiana citizens
ISPC provides monthly support for county/regional suicide prevention coalitions through a conference call the first Wednesday of the month. A map of the county and regional suicide prevention coalitions across the state, click here. ISPC is a statewide community outreach initiative of the Behavioral Health and Family Studies Institute, a recognized Center of Excellence at Purdue University Fort Wayne.
Contact: Alice Jordan-Miles, 260-481-4184.
AFSP Indiana
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Indiana Chapter brings together people from all backgrounds who want to prevent suicide in our communities. Families and friends who have lost someone to suicide, vulnerable individuals, mental health professionals, clergy, educators, students, community/business leaders, and many others energize our chapter.
Their grassroots work focuses on eliminating the loss of life from suicide by:
- delivering innovative prevention programs
- educating the public about risk factors and warning signs
- raising funds for suicide research and programs
- reaching out to those individuals who have lost someone to suicide
For a list of events and to learn more, click here.
Contact: Kelsey Aaron, 317-864-6074
Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA)
DMHA’s suicide prevention efforts are focused on realizing the bold and aspirational vision of zero suicides among Hoosiers to decrease suicides by improving quality of life. The Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) employs a State Suicide Prevention Director (IC 12-21-1-3) who serves as a primary resource for evidence-based suicide prevention strategies and best practices. DMHA leads strategic planning and quality improvement of Indiana’s suicide prevention infrastructure and statewide programming through collaboration with state partners and community stakeholders and alignment with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Suicide Prevention Resource Center, National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, and Indiana law/policy (IC 12-21-5-5). DMHA convened stakeholders and partners to create the 2021-2023 Indiana State Suicide Prevention Plan (link to plan this (in google drive))
Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention Grant
The purpose of the SAMHSA Garrett Lee Smith State Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program, “A Focus in Community, State & Peer Collaboration: Striving to Achieve Zero Suicides in Indiana”, is to support the State of Indiana with implementing youth suicide prevention and early intervention strategies in schools, educational institutions, juvenile justice systems, substance use programs, mental health programs, foster care systems, and other child and youth-serving organizations. (link to “Indiana GLS Youth SP Grant PPT in google drive)
Contact Michelle Bulington, michelle.bulington@fssa.in.gov, 219-252-4312
988 is a 3 digit phone number that offers a direct connection to compassionate, accessible care and support for anyone experiencing mental health-related distress – whether that is thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress. People can also dial 9-8-8 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. To learn more:
Indiana Department of Health
- Suicide Fatality Review & County SFR Teams:
The Suicide and Overdose Fatality Review (SOFR) Program, housed within Division of Fatality Review and Prevention at IDOH, assists local counties in the development and perpetuation of Suicide and Overdose Fatality Review teams, multidisciplinary teams focused on preventing deaths due to suicide and overdose among adults in Indiana. Additionally, the SOFR team coordinates two state-level Pediatric Suicide Fatality Review teams dedicated to preventing suicide among youth 18 years old and younger.
To learn more, click here. Contact: Caitlyn Short , 317-519-6179. - Violent Death Reporting System
Provides suicide death data to organizations and communities upon request.
Contact: Morgan Sprecher, 317-233-9825 - Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Surveys high school students on risk behaviors including suicide every two years. https://www.in.gov/health/mch/adolescentyoung-adult-health/youth-risk-behavior-survey/.
Contact: YRBS@isdh.in.gov, 317-233-7940
Indiana LOSS Team Network
DMHA’s Garrett Lee Smith grant is funding the development of Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS) Teams across the state to help improve suicide postvention response. Teams are made up of suicide survivors who have been trained to assist the bereaved at the scene of a suicide by providing support and referrals. The primary goal is to let survivors of suicide loss know that resources exist in order to shorten the time between the death of the loved one and survivors finding help. LOSS Teams offer an active model of postvention. Frank Campbell, PhD, founder of LOSS Teams, leads many trainings and workshops where you can learn more about the LOSS team concept and how to set up a LOSS Team in your area – click here. Contact: Alice Jordan-Miles, 260-481-4184. Denise Meine-Graham, denisepostvention@gmail.com, denisemeinegraham.com
Indiana Department of Education
- Policies for schools
- QPR Training for schools
Contact: Jason Murrey, 317-232-7939